Chamomile, German Certified Organic Essential Oil - #18EOC002 Matricaria recutita
German chamomile is a sweet-scented, branching plant whose tiny leaves are twice-divided into thin linear segments. The flowers, up to one inch across, have a hollow, cone-shaped receptacle, with tiny yellow disk flowers covering the cone. The cone is surrounded by 10 to 20 white, down-curving ray flowers, giving it the appearance of a miniature daisy. German chamomile is native to Europe and Western Asia, where it is weedy; it has escaped from cultivation in the United States as well.
Popular uses of chamomile preparations include treating colic, dyspepsia, ingestion, hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders, and hemorrhoids. Ideal for treating urinary tract infection. Neutralizes toxic, bacterial, metabolic taste. Helps stimulate a poor appetite. Camomile is also used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, chickenpox rosacea and psoriasis. Also recommended for slow healing wounds, sprains, inflamed tendons and swollen painful joints.
Botanical Name: Matricaria recutita
Botanical Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Plant Part Distilled: Flowers
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Origin: France
Cultivation: USDA Certified Organic
Chemistry: Oxides, Sesquiterpene
Aroma: Herbacious, Spicy, a bit earthy
Note: Middle/Base
Contraindications: Theoretical slight potential for interacting with warfarin due to the coumarin content but without reported actual incidence.
Therapeutic: Analgesic, Anti-allergenic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-convulsive, Anti-fungal, Anti-histaminic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-phlogistic, Anti-pruritic, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Carminative, Cholagogue, Cicatrisant, Cooling, CNS Sedative, Decongestant, Digestive tonic, Emmenagogue, Emollient, Hepatic, Nervine, Stomachic, Sudorific, Tonic, Vulnerary, Wound healing
Shelf Life: 8 years